School Development

This year as part of our School Development Plan, we will continue to:
We help students understand the world in which they live and the importance of healthy relationships, we will promote a positive and respectful culture.
We will ensure our students learn the very best of what has been thought and said, we will develop our curriculum, which will help our students to reach their full potential and to be ready for their next step in Education or Employment.
We will deliver high quality lessons, which help students to acquire substantive knowledge and build schema to support lifelong learning. This will ensure that our students 'know more and remember more'.
We will support students by explicitly teaching our students to become strategic readers; we will also provide more opportunities for students to read often, and read challenging texts. Students will also be taught to write well and at length so that they can communicate their knowledge and opinions well.
We will provide additional help for those that need it through targeted, timely and structured interventions to either address gaps in their knowledge, skills or understanding or wellbeing.