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Helena Boast

TLA Examination Results Summer 2019

This year’s results are the best since 2016 when we were the most improved school in Essex.

Students at The Thomas Lord Audley School celebrated their success when they opened their exam results in August. Over a period of years, students have done well in a range of subjects and have risen to the challenges of the new GCSEs, this year this trend has continued. Standards in English and Maths have improved and high standards have been maintained in a range of subjects including Science, History, Geography and German.

Congratulations to Anna Denney who achieved the best set of grades at TLA this year securing nine top grades including four grade 9s and Sam Copus, Deputy Headboy, who also achieved four grade 9s. By performing above expectation the two students who made most progress based on their grades achieved in primary school were Molly Winter and Yasin Erkul.

There are many other students who are very pleased with their results. This was down to their hard work and commitment to achieving their best and also the total dedication of the staff who supported them. The excellent results that students have gained means that they will be accepted on the post-16 course of their choice or an apprenticeship and the majority of students will not need to retake GCSE English or Maths. We wish them all every success in the future!

The grades that students have achieved will be used by the Department of Education to calculate Attainment 8 and Progress 8 figures for all schools. These figures will be available sometime in the Autumn term.

Helena Boast Headteacher

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